Bookworms, Get Ready To See Eight Books That Defined The 80s


The 80s were marked by a massive social, political, and cultural change that shaped the world as we know it. All the events that took place during this decade didn’t go unnoticed by writers, who tried to make sense of what happened by doing what they did best: creating stories that would make history. Today, we’ll explore eight books that defined the 80s and captured the essence of this particular time. They’re all masterpieces of literature, so make sure to add them to your reading list!


What We Talk About When We Talk About Love (1981)

Few authors had a sharper knack for putting to ink how people communicate in the real world than Raymond Carver. And you’d be hard-pushed to find a better example of his extraordinary talent for dialogue than this literary work.


What We Talk About When We Talk About Love is a steaming brew of short stories that made Carver a household name because it perfectly tackles memory, love, and the lies we constantly tell each other and ourselves.

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