Trends come and go; every decade has trends that everyone would jump on just for the sake of it. Well, in the 1990s, kids also had toys and gadgets that they wouldn’t trade for anything. Since kids loved these toys so much, it was a no-brainer for parents and older siblings to give them for Christmas. This article takes us back to those Christmas gifts that all kids wanted then.
Micro Machines
Even now, the most popular toys among kids are those that allow them to act and feel like adults. This explains why toys that fit into kids’ ‘grown-up fantasy,’ like adult dolls and toy trucks, were common in those days.
Almost every little guy wanted Micro Machines in the 1990s. These mini toy trucks came in different forms, and it was important for these kids to have as much as possible. Their commercials made sure kids knew whenever there was another one to buy.
Easy Bake Oven
Speaking of commercials that convinced kids and made them beg their parents to buy, this oven was a sure banger in the 1990s. Their commercials showed kids how delicacies were made with the oven. But in real life?
In real life, kids could only make goo that wasn’t edible with the Easy Bake Oven. However, young girls still enjoyed playing make-believe with the oven. Even mothers taught their girls kitchen stuff with the oven.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
While most of the popular 1990s toys are no longer common or don’t even exist anymore, some of them are still very much available today. Of course, we still see Ninja Turtles around.
However, these toys were a major highlight in the 1990s. Every kid wanted Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a Christmas gift back then, and parents couldn’t even escape buying them because every store sold them.
The media is often responsible for starting so many trends. It happened a lot in the 90s, too. The popular “Home Alone” movies taught kids many things, including how to pretend to have the voice of an adult and make people believe you.
Kevin used Talkboy to get a hotel room in the movie; that was how the Talkboy craze started. Kids loved the fun of changing their voices to deceive older people. There was rarely a kid that didn’t have one.
BMX Bike
Bikes have always been considered cool by both kids and adults. In the 1990s, kids were so obsessed with these bikes that some of them had more than one. Adding a BMX bike to Christmas wish lists was a norm then.
As these bikes advanced in technology, kids followed earnestly– just the way we follow smartphone trends today. The coolest dudes were those with the highest number of speeds on their BMX bikes!