Try to think about the happiest moments of your childhood. What are the first things that pop into your mind? Is it your favorite video games, the songs you used to listen to, or the snacks you had every afternoon after coming from school? Believe it or not, food is heavily linked to our memories, and eating the same things we did when we were little brings all those good times back. Sadly, some of the sweets we used to love are no longer around. Here are some of the snacks we wish had not left the shelves!

Push-up Pops
Do you feel like eating frozen pops is too much of a hassle? They always end up melting on your hands, and it is impossible to save them inside their wrap to eat later… But Nestle made it much easier.

Push-Up pops were delicious and also fun to eat. You would push up to eat them and easily keep them inside their wrapper for later! We must admit that they were not discontinued, but we miss when they were Flinstones branded.